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How do I use Oil on Windows?
  • It seems to be a shell script like others have said, but there must be a way I can utilise this "slick command-line" utility on Windows :D Thanks.
  • Pretty much the same as on linux or anything else. Just use the windows command prompt and put PHP before it. On my laptop with XAMPP installed the full command I give looks like this when in the dir with the oil file:
    c:\xampp\php\php.exe oil g controller Test
  • After a little tinkering around (had to add the path of php.exe to the PATH variable) everything works properly. Thanks :)
  • aero aero wrote on 01/10/11 9:14 pm:
    After a little tinkering around (had to add the path of php.exe to the PATH variable) everything works properly. Thanks :)

    Here's a detailed step-by-step guide as to what I did (on Windows 7): Start > Right-click on Computer and click Properties Click Advanced system settings Click Environment Variables... Under System variables, find the variable named 'Path'. Select it and click Edit... Add the path of the PHP executable file to the end of the Variable value box. Make sure to terminate the previous path with a semi-colon. For example, my path was 'C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.2' so I added that to the end along with a semi-colon. Click OK Open command prompt and navigate to the FUEL folder (mine was 'C:\wamp\www\fuel') by typing
    cd C:\wamp\www\fuel

    And now you can use the Oil command line utility :)
  • Thank god for this tuts. It really helps on windows 7.
  • I'm kind of new to using command line for PHP, but I found that I got the following error when I typed in "php oil":
    The system cannot find the path specified.

    I found that by using oil.php instead of oil it worked. Hope this helps someone, as it sure helped me. :P P.S. Thanks for that guide, it was very helpful.

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