$views = array(); $views['header'] = View::forge('header')->render(); $views['menu'] = View::forge('menu')->render(); $views['content'] = View::forge('content')->render(); $views['footer'] = View::forge('footer')->render(); return View::forge('wrapper', $views)->render();
<?php var_dump($header); ?> <?php echo $header; ?> <?php echo $menu; ?> <?php if(!empty($featured)): ?> <div id="feature-box"> <?php echo render('featured'); ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php echo $content; ?> <?php echo $footer; ?>
'security' => array( 'csrf_autoload' => false, 'csrf_token_key' => 'fuel_csrf_token', 'csrf_expiration' => 0, 'uri_filter' => array('htmlentities'), /** * This input filter can be any normal PHP function as well as 'xss_clean' * * WARNING: Using xss_clean will cause a performance hit. How much is * dependant on how much input data there is. */ 'input_filter' => array(), /** * Whether to automatically encode (htmlentities) view data */ 'auto_filter_output' => false, /** * With output encoding switched on all objects passed will be converted to strings or * throw exceptions unless they are instances of the classes in this array. */ 'whitelisted_classes' => array('Fuel\\Core\\View', 'Fuel\\Core\\ViewModel', 'Closure') ),
parent::before(); $this->template->header = View::forge('header'); $this->template->menu = View::forge('menu'); $this->template->content = Request::forge(Uri::string())->execute(); $this->template->footer = View::forge('footer');
$total_articles = Model_Article::find()->count(); Pagination::set_config(array( 'pagination_url' => 'admin/articles', 'per_page' => 10, 'total_items' => $total_articles, 'num_links' => 5, 'uri_segment' => 3 )); $data['articles'] = Model_Article::find('all', array( 'offset' => Pagination::$offset, 'limit' => Pagination::$per_page )); $this->template->title = "Article"; return View::forge('admin/articles/index', $data);
OutOfBoundsException [ Error ]: View variable is not set: content
<?php class Controller_Ajax extends Controller_Wrapper { public function router() { $this->is_ajax = true; $segments = Uri::segments(); array_shift($segments); // remove ajax $path = implode('/', $segments); $output['html'] = Request::forge($path)->execute(); var_dump($output); } }
public function after($response) { // If the request is ajax, we want to return the content if(!$this->is_ajax) { parent::after($response); } else { $this->template->get('content'); } }
$view = View::forge('admin/articles/index', $data); if(Request::main() === Request::active()) { $this->template->title = "Article"; } $this->template->content = $view;
return View::forge('wrapper', $views, false);
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