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Validating a Unique Filed
  • Hi, I'm having a little trouble with validating fields for uniqueness in the db. I've followed the tutorials but I guess I'm missing something. I'm getting this error on my form: Notice: Invalid rule "unique" passed to Validation, not used. in (unknown) [(unknown)]: add_rule My code is at Thanks...
  • You need to add Myvalidation as a callable to the Validation instance, otherwise there's no way the Validation could ever find the rule.

    Or add the rule to your own Validation class extension in which case it'll always be part of the available rules.
  • @Jelmer did what you said <code>
    if ($fs = Fieldset::instance(get_class($town)))
    echo $fs->show_errors();
    } $fieldset = Fieldset::factory('status')->add_model($status, null, null);
    $fieldset->validation()->add_field('name', 'Status Name')
    ->addRule('unique'); $fieldset->validation()->set_message('unique', 'A record for :name already exists in the database.'); $fieldset->add('name', 'Status Name'), array('type' => 'text'));
    $fieldset->add('submit', ' ', array('value' => 'Submit', 'type' => 'submit')); $fieldset->populate($status, TRUE); echo $fieldset->build(); </code> But I'm still getting the error: Notice: Invalid rule "unique" passed to Validation, not used. in (unknown) [(unknown)]: add_rule any ideas
    Thanks... UPDATE: The error was happening because I had it in my Model validation rules. Removed it from there but now I get a SQL Error when trying to insert a duplicate. So, obviously the validation rule is not running.

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