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Can't use Modules in app/classes/controller
  • Hi, Still loving this framework started diving into it a bit more... The Fuel documentation I have seen indicates that you can use Request::factory('blah/blah)->execute(); to get your partial view and hold it for later processing.
    // Oops no partial returned so can't hold for later processing
    $data['test'] = Request::factory('test/index')->execute(); 

    The output of the controller is added to $this->output in the request class so trying to assign the output to a variable for later use in coding logic or a view doesn't apply you have to call the request in your view. Or am I missing something which is quite possible with the week I've just had :-)
  • Are you getting an error or what is produced by this? We always need the real error you're getting, preferably with line nr, file path & backtrace. (or a screenshot)
  • Jelmer, No errors just echo's output where ir called in the app/classes/controller App/classes/controller/welcome.php
     * An example Controller.  This shows the most basic usage of a Controller.
    class Controller_Welcome extends Controller {
    	public function action_index()
            $data['test'] = Request::factory('test/index')->execute();
            //echo '<pre>';
            //echo '</pre>';
    		$this->render('welcome/index', $data);
    	public function action_404()
    		// Set a HTTP 404 output header
    		Output::$status = 404;

    namespace Test;
    // Extending the calling controller also works if we wish to implement something specific.
    //class Controller_Test extends \Controller_Welcome {
    class Controller_Test extends \Controller {
        public function action_index()
            // Echo the required output to be captured as a partial
            echo Model_Test::hello_world();

    namespace Test;
    class Model_Test extends \Model {
        public static function hello_world()
            return 'hello world!<br />';

    The print_r gives:
    Fuel\Core\Request Object
        [paths] => Array
                [0] => C:\xampp\htdocs\Customer_Sites\fuel\fuel\app\modules\test\
                [1] => C:\xampp\htdocs\Customer_Sites\fuel\fuel\app\modules\test\classes\
        [output] => 
        [uri] => Fuel\Core\Uri Object
                [uri] => test/index
                [segments] => Array
                        [0] => test
                        [1] => index
        [module] => test
        [directory] => 
        [controller] => test
        [action] => index
        [method_params] => Array
                [0] => 
        [named_params] => Array
  • The problem is that for this to work you can't use echo in the controller (always a bad idea btw) and you have to assign the output to $this->output within the controller. If you do that this should work fine (the Request object is fully initialized the way it should, and I assume did execute).
  • Jelmer, No I don't use echo in controllers it was just a test. That works fine and I get it now having looked at the request class again and after getting a few hours sleep (these deadlines are killing me) :-) Finished the project I was working on so I will look at Fuel some more now. Thanks for your help Jelmer it's much appreciated.

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