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Why use static instead of self
  • Hi, while looking over the fuel php code I noticed that instead of self::some_method static::some_method is used. This is the first time I see that this can be done. Is there a special reason for using static instead of self or are they the same? Thanks for your answer
  • I believe it is something to do with class inheritance. "static" fixes a long-standing issue with PHP where methods are not properly inherited when using "self". I'm sure someone will give you a more accurate explanation (static is fairly new to me), but hopefully that will point you in the right direction. Edit: It's about "late static bindings": It appears to me to be a fix for a broken "self". When class A is based on class B, then self::foo in class B will refer to foo *only ever* in class B, while static::foo in class B will allow class A to override it and provide its own foo. "static" is the equivalent to $this in an object - it looks at the wider picture after inheritance and overriding of methods and properties is resolved.
  • It's about late static binding, which is pretty well explained on In short: it's about extended classes using the extended methods instead of the originals.

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