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Fieldset class - adding custom html elements in the middle of the form
  • Is there any other solution to inject some html in the middle of the form when using Fieldset class?
    The only solution i found is using add() and set_template() together, however it doesn't look so correct. It looks more of a hack, rather than solution
    $fieldset->add('legend')->set_template('<legend>Legend title</legend>');

    I even extended Fieldset with this awkward method, so that i can add some other unsupported form or html elements, like separators and so on:
    public function add_html($html)
     $this->add(\Str::truncate(\Inflector::friendly_title($html, '_'), 24, '').rand(1000,9999))->set_template($html);

    Maybe there could be some more appropriate and more DOM like function so you can add any HTML element in the middle of Fieldset? Any other options or suggestions?

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