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Bug of the Website
  • I didn't find any better place to put this so I'll try to get attetion here. ;-) When I tried to registre to this forum, I wrote my real Lastname with a umlaut (ü), but when I'd clicked on the submit button, I was sent back to the registre site and there was an "undefined" error, which just stated something in the direction as: 'error could not be assigned to the field'
    So leaving me with that error I first had to figure out where the error was...
    Removing the ü the registration worked fine.
    What I also didn't really like, was that the fields (Firstname - FIELD \ Lastname - FIELD) weren't ordered under each other...
    And maybe another minor bug, the "Logout" link is sometimes not right ajusted, or it doesn't fit into the design.
    Hmmm the preview does parse the text wrong... (and the final version does only handle other chars)
    The rest of the website I rly do like :-) Greets PS: When will there be more of the Doc about "ActiveRecord", 'cause I've got no idea how to use it...
    And are there other methods to access the database through the framework?
  • AS a brief introduction to Active record you could look at php Activerecord or Jelmers FuelDocGenerator at FuelDocGenerator to get a basic understanding of how it is used in Fuel. There is also a database class built in a similar way to Kohana look at Kohana Database class. example:
     $data['issues'] = DB::select('*')
                                ->where('issue_status_id', '=', 1)
                                //->join('users', 'LEFT')
                                //->on('issue.user_id', '=', '
                                //->order_by('issue_date', 'ASC')
  • The DB class is indeed a port of Kohana's, but ActiveRecord is NOT like php.activerecord. Our ActiveRecord is a rewrite of the ActiveRecord implementation by Luke Baker, his docs are still more or less acurate: The site is still very much a work in progress over which I have no control. I'll leave it to Phil or Dan to comment on the specifics.
  • Ah thanks for the references! =)
    Neat framework btw ;-)

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