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  • is a new service that marries the concept of posting classified ads online with that of interacting though social networks. Essentially, Kroobe will let users turn the networks they use more often into a place in which they can post as many ads as they want.
    Kroobe can be used to list items to sell or swap, to post job openings, to list these services that they can provide. Users can also use it in order to look that very same information up, of course.
    Kroobe is a free service in both cases. Users can post whatever they want and search the database of ads without having to pay anything.
    Listings are always easy on the eye, and a good touch is that users do not have to disclose their email address. That information is kept private. Listings are layout in a clear way with a minimum of fuss, this really helps provide a superior user experience.
    Besides English Kroobe is available in numerous other languages like Spanish and Mandarin as well as German, Italian and French Please feel free to share your comments. If you have questions about how things were done on the site using Fuel. Feel free to ask. I would be happy to share what I know.
  • I like this. Overall, it seems to be very refined. I would however offer my opinion on the logo; that it needs some work.
  • Cool thanks!
  • cool.. like the way you did the listing & details page. Did you use jquery on the back button on the details page?
  • @salmane did you use simple auth and ninjauth combination for authentication and social login? I like the way you handle it. I have a question regarding this. Once I login with my Facebook account, you create a new user (if it doesn't exist) and then automatically authenticate this user correct? What password do you assign to the user?
  • @jume I wrote my own auth library based on the auth package that comes with fuel. I did this so that I can add Social media login.
    as to the password question, I generate a random password for users that don't sign up directly via Kroobe. They can change it to whatever they want once they are logged in.
    I hope this helps. :)
  • @salmane thanks. I am implementing this as well right now. So I guess when user logs in with Facebook you call Auth's login() function on in the callback URL to log the user in and create session?
  • @jume , that is exactly what I am doing. You should also save the FB user ID in your DB as well and verify it .... as to auth's login, i created a new one for FB ( part of the new auth package I wrote) this method verifies the FB ID and creates the session once the FB authentication is completed
  • Yes in deed I have, JQuery is my favorite javascript library and the code for the IOS style sliding list was pretty easy to make.
    Fuel has really made this project a breeze, I think CI would have worked well also but Fuel resulted in cleaner code :)

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