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after() method should accept and return the Controller's response
  • I need to use two apps, one as normal, the other called installer.php My index.php is called installer.php and my fuel/app folder is now fuel/installer - I have updated installer.php to reflect this change. I visit installer.php and all is well. Then I visit installer.php/permissions and I get Warning - 2012-02-03 21:38:50 --> Fuel\Core\Request::execute - The Controller_Installer::after() method should accept and return the Controller's response, empty return for the after() method is deprecated.
    Warning - 2012-02-03 21:38:50 --> Fuel\Core\Request::execute - The Controller_Installer controller should return a string or a Response object, support for the $controller->response object is deprecated. Yet there's nothing in the action at all. Any ideas?
  • It's doing it with the normal app too now. Is there something up with the 1.1/develop branch?
  • Right, figure it out, I've been using Controller_Template for my other apps and this changed. Got it now!
  • No, this has been changed starting 1.1.develop. Your controller action should return a response object, using $this->response is deprecated.
    return \Response::forge(\View::forge('welcome/index'));
    Alternatively, you may return something that can be cast as string (like for example a View), which will be wrapped into a Response by the Request object. If your controller action doesn't return anything, or it returns something that can not be cast as string, this error will be logged.
  • I think I was used to being able to leave it blank when using a Template, so that's where my confusion was. Then I got mixed up with .htaccess files and before I knew it I was lying on the floor with foam coming out of my mouth. Going to open a new topic about what I'm trying to achieve!
  • Thomas Edwards wrote on Friday 3rd of February 2012:
    Right, figure it out, I've been using Controller_Template for my other apps and this changed. Got it now!
    Nothing functional has changed there. If your action doesn't return anything, it will use $this->template, which will be wrapped in a Response by the Controller_Template's after() method. It will fail if your controller has an after(), doesn't return a Response, and doesn't return the result of the call to the parent.

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