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How to make profile_fields
  • I using
    php oil g scaffold users username:string password:string group:int email:string last_login:string login_hash:string profile_fields:text

    then: [url=http://localhost/sieublogs/users/create]http://localhost/sieublogs/users/create[/url] and Profiles Fiels is textarea, and database field: profiles_field is a:0:{} i want form with any field: Username, password, email, First name, Last name, Phone, Address, Brithday. And Fields: First name, Last name, Phone, Address, Brithday save in field profiles_field. Thanks you!
  • Scaffolding just generates the basic structure, you will have to code the rest yourself.
  • but, i want and field first name, last name, phone, address save to fields profile_fields
  • Yes, I understand. So write the code for it. Scaffolding is not going to generate custom code for you, it only generates basic crud style code.
  • you can write any example code about it!
    because i find example make other controller action_profile()..... but i want profile in form of register have field username, password...
  • This has nothing to do with examples, nor with FuelPHP. This is about basic PHP skills. If you can't create an HTML form, if you don't know how to get submited data and how to manipulate that, I would like to suggest you study on that first. I have nothing against people with basic skills, we all had to start somewhere. But don't expect us to write your code.

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