In Windows and OSX this works well:
Autoloader::add_namespace('MaitrePylos',APPPATH.'vendor/MaitrePylos/' );
Under Ubuntu I have an error ' Not Found ' and so that it works I have to make this:
'MaitrePylos\\TimeToSec' => APPPATH.'vendor/MaitrePylos/timeToSec.php',
// Add classes you want to override here
// Example: 'View' => APPPATH.'classes/view.php',
what is less practical, I can also build my own load of class, but then I go out of the functioning of FuelPhp.
You would have an idea ?
Thank you.
All paths are fully lowercase in Fuel as is clearly explained in the docs. It is however possible to add a namespace that confirms to the PSR-0 standard, thus if that's what is used you can set the third parameter of add_namespace() to true.