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How to dynamically change a view using ajax
  • Greetings guys, I'm trying to develope some ajax functionalities on my site and I'm experiencing some problems while I do so. What I'm willing to do is to change the content of a view dynamically via an Ajax call: function filterlist(){ var data = {
    "order_by": $('#form_order_by').val(),
    "num_items": $('#form_num_items').val()
    }; jQuery.ajax(
    success:function(data,textstatus, XMLHttpRequest){
    error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown)
    $('#tooltips_container').html(errorThrown); }
    ); } As you can see, I'm calling a RoomRest controller, which extendes Controller_Rest. class Controller_RoomsRest extends Controller_Rest {
    public function post_filter_list() { $this->template->content = View::forge('rooms/index'); //I know that this doesn't work. I'm not supposed to forge a view from a Rest controller, but mainly this is what I would like to achieve. } } What I want that controller to do is to renew my $content var on my template with new data. To achieve it, shall I use a Controller that Extends Controller_Template instead?
    So, in few words, how can I make this controller to return the new data and dynamically change it on my template. Thanks!
  • The Controller_Rest doesn't use $this->template (obviously), so that is indeed not going to work. As documented (, you need to use the response() method to set your response value(s), and make sure your controller is configured to return html and not something else.
  • Solved and working fine now, thanks a lot for the hint WanWizard! Pasting the response code and the format assignment in case it helps someone in the future: class Controller_RoomsRest extends Controller_Rest {
    public function post_filter_list() { $this->format = 'html';
    $this->response->body = View::forge('rooms/list_iterator', $data);
    } }
  • Better and more future proof is
    class Controller_RoomsRest extends Controller_Rest
        public function post_filter_list()
            $this->format = 'html';
            $this->response(View::forge('rooms/list_iterator', $data));

    as $this->response might disappear in the future.

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