How would I do this with fuel:
// Get the user id who's voting
user_id = ObjectId("4bcc9e697e020f2d44471a15");
// This query succeeds only if the voters array doesn't contain the user
query = {_id: ObjectId("4bcc9e697e020f2d44471d27"), voters: {'$ne': user_id});
// Update to add the user to the array and increment the number of votes.
update = {'$push': {'voters': user_id}, '$inc': {vote_count: 1}}
db.stories.update(query, update);
And help would be greatly appreciated.
if you're having trouble with the converting json to arrays, try doing
so you can see the array structure you need.
if its problems with updating using inc,
I wrote an article on how to use $inc, and other update params with fuelphp and mongo
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