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Translating exception messages
  • Hi, How should I translate exception messages?
    $user = \Auth::create_user(
    catch (Exception $e)
    // set translated $e->getMessage()
    </code> The problem is that \Auth::create_user always throws the same exception object SimpleUserUpdateException only with the different message: <code>
    throw new \SimpleUserUpdateException('Email address already exists');
    throw new \SimpleUserUpdateException('Username already exists');
    </code> So it looks like the only way to decide what was the error is by checking message: <code>
    if($e->getMessage == 'Email address already exists')
    \Session::set_flash('error', __('auth.exception.email_exists'));
    elseif($e->getMessage == 'Username already exists')
    \Session::set_flash('error', __('auth.exception.username_exists'));
    </code> But that just doesn't look right.
    Any suggestions how should I do it the right way?
  • You have a point, this is not handy, these should be separate exceptions. Can you create an issue at so it can be picked up?

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