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Errors during
  • I tried the "quick installation" instructions at and got the following errors:
    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Fuel\Core\Fuel_Exception in /home/daniel/www/fueltest/helloworld/fuel/core/classes/fuel.php on line 18
    Fatal error: Class 'Config' not found in /home/daniel/www/fueltest/helloworld/fuel/core/base.php on line 39

    This is using PHP 5.3.6 on Ubuntu 11.10. I haven't tried manually installing yet. Any suggestions? Edit: I downloaded Fuel 1.1 from the website, manually extracted it, and it works fine. So it's just the version installed via the oil script that seems broken. I tried comparing the two folders but there's quite a few differences (looks mainly like small bug fixes and updates to the copyright dates, though) Edit 2: It looks like the script at isn't explicitly specifying a branch to get from Git, so it's most likely getting the 1.2/develop branch (and stuff is broken)
  • Bad timing I'm afraid. The installation script does a 'git clone' from the default repository. We're currrently preparing the release of v1.2, and a new 1.2/develop repository has just been make in preparation for that. You cloned in the middle of that preparation process, and are now on a 1.2/develop branch which is unstable. Given the fact that you have a cloned repository local, just do a 'git checkout 1.1/develop', and a 'git submodule foreach git checkout 1.1/develop' to switch all cloned repo's to the previous develop branch, which is stable at the moment.
  • Okay, thanks for letting me know. Just tried switching and it looks good now. :) For regular use, should I be using 1.1/master or 1.1/develop?
  • 1.1/master is the 1.1 release version, 1.1 is the latest development branch. 1.1/develop is now frozen, 1.2/develop is used to prepare for a new 1.2/master, which will some be released as FuelPHP v1.2. Once that is done we will move to 1.3/develop, which will become the current branch for further development. So if you want an easy transition to 1.2, use 1.1/develop, as that codebase is virtually the same. And use the "Dev Docs" link in the header here, which is the develop documentation.
  • Thanks for your reply - I'm using 1.1/develop and it seems to be working quite well for me :) It might be worth updating so that it pulls the correct branch, so users don't need to keep doing a git checkout every time?
  • Currently the installer installs whatever the active branch on github is. And that is always the latest develop, so at the moment it will install 1.2/develop. That is not the purpose of the installer, it should install the latest release. I have already updated the script to do that (there is an issue on github about this), but we don't have access to the server running that host at the moment, so I can't update it. We're trying to sort this out with the hosting provider, I hope to have this fixed soon.
  • Harro Verton wrote on Sunday 6th of May 2012:
    That is not the purpose of the installer, it should install the latest release. I have already updated the script to do that (there is an issue on github about this), but we don't have access to the server running that host at the moment, so I can't update it. We're trying to sort this out with the hosting provider, I hope to have this fixed soon.
    Sounds good :)

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