I was going to port my Kohana membership module to FuelPHP but I discovered NinjAuth which is very similar to mine. Has anyone gotten the latest version of NinjAuth working on a recent FuelPHP release? I got stuck on the following error after trying to log in with Facebook:
Auth\SimpleUserUpdateException [ Error ]: Username, password and email address can't be empty.
I'll look into this and send pull requests if I get some free time later in the week, but I was just curious as to whether other developers have managed to get it working recently.
So I assume you're not using the controller included with Ninjauth? What changes have been made in your custom version compared to the regular Ninjauth version?
No, I don't.
Can't remember exactly what all the reasons were, but one of them was that it wasn't possible to get error messages I needed to pass to Depot's message class, and several situations that didn't produce a message at all.
I've seen that quite a few things changed, so I might have a look at it again, as I prefer to use the package unaltered. Perhaps the package needs a central set_message() method that can be overloaded to capture all messages.
I'll see if I can find the time to check out the latest code, and perhaps send a pull request.