classes/controller/base.php: ---------- abstract class Controller_Base extends Controller_Template { public $template = 'template.smarty'; public function before() { parent::before(); } public function after($response) { parent::after($response); // Set ViewModel $active = Request::active(); $viewmodel = $active->route->segments[0] .'/'. $active->route->segments[1]; View::set_global('content', ViewModel::forge($viewmodel)); } } ---------- classes/controller/home.php: ---------- class Controller_Home extends Controller_Base { public function before() { parent::before(); } public function action_index() { } } ---------- classes/views/home/index.php: ---------- class View_Home_Index extends ViewModel { protected $_view = 'home/index.smarty'; public function before($data = null) { parent::before(); View::set_global('title', 'Hello world') ; } public function view() { $this->hello = 'Hello world'; } } ---------- views/template.tpl: ---------- <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>{$title}</title> </head> <body> {$content} </body> </html> ---------- views/home/index.tpl: ---------- {$hello} ----------Many thanks,
public function after($response) { // Set ViewModel $active = Request::active(); $viewmodel = $active->route->segments[0] .'/'. $active->route->segments[1]; View::set_global('content', ViewModel::forge($viewmodel)); return parent::after($response); }
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