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Model Mockups
  • Hi all, I am new to using fuel php and am wondering if there is a standard in Fuel for creating Model mockups? I currently have the following implementation code that I put together.
    class Model_Job extends Model_Crud {
      [b]/** .... snip out all details of this model's properties .... **/[/b]
     public function mock()
         $object = new stdClass;
         foreach(self::$_properties as $key=>$properties)
             if (!empty($properties['default']))
                 $object->$key = $properties['default'];
         $object->deleted = 0;
         return $object;
    and my test case..
    class Test_Job extends Fuel\Core\TestCase
       protected function setUp()
          $this->job = Model_Job::mock();
       public function test_job_is_not_deleted()
          $expected = 0;
          $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->job->deleted);

    I am unsure If I am designing my test cases nicely for fuel, fitting it in with fuel style or I am doing this the hard way?

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