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FuelPHP even more faster?
  • Hi Surfing on the web I found this framework Its possible to have the similar functionality for FuelPHP as php module, to get better performance?
  • FuelPHP is a framework written in PHP. PhalconPHP is a framework written in C++. You can not compare the two.
  • Some time ago I added this entry to the forum, I haven't use Fuel that much from that time to now, but I still like FuelPHP, now it is possible to port FuelPHP to be used as a PHP extension using Zephir (, hope you guys find time and resources in the future to make FuelPHP more faster.
  • Zephir is a different language, so still you can not compare the two.

    A framework is about saving development time, because it automates and abstracts complicated processes, and deals with all the boilerplate of every application. It is not about speed (although a framework should not be *slow*!).

    In general, if you're looking to squeeze every clock cycle out of your machine, a framework is most likely not for you.

    To make this clear, for 100 euro a month, I can get a dedicated server with a massive 16 core dual CPU, lots of memory, and SSD disks. If a framework can save me about two development hours a month, I'm already break-even.
  • Zephir is interesting. We could get much better performance to replace some classes (Fuel core or our own apps) into C extesions with Zephir.

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