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OutOfBoundsException [ Error ]: Property "" not found for
  • Hi there, I'm trying to use the ORM to create a relationship between two tables. The database structure is pretty rubbish, and i'm unable to change any tables names etc. This is the error message I get: OutOfBoundsException [ Error ]: Property "" not found for Model_Categories_Description. My two models look like this: <?php
    // category.php
    class Model_Category extends \Orm\Model
    { protected static $_table_name = 'categories'; protected static $_primary_key = array('categories_id'); protected static $_properties = array(
    ); protected static $_observers = array(
    'Orm\Observer_CreatedAt' => array(
    'events' => array('before_insert'),
    'mysql_timestamp' => false,
    'property' => 'date_added',
    'Orm\Observer_UpdatedAt' => array(
    'events' => array('before_save'),
    'mysql_timestamp' => false,
    'property' => 'last_modified',
    ); protected static $_has_one = array('categories_description' => array(
    'model_to' => 'Model_Categories_Description',
    'key_from' => 'categories_id',
    'key_to' => 'categories_id',
    )); } <?php
    // categories/description.php class Model_Categories_Description extends \Orm\Model
    { protected static $_table_name = 'categories_description'; protected static $_primary_key = 'categories_id'; protected static $_properties = array(
    ); protected static $_observers = array(
    'Orm\Observer_CreatedAt' => array(
    'events' => array('before_insert'),
    'mysql_timestamp' => false,
    'Orm\Observer_UpdatedAt' => array(
    'events' => array('before_save'),
    'mysql_timestamp' => false,
    protected static $_belongs_to = array('category' => array(
    'model_to' => 'Model_Category',
    'key_from' => 'categories_id',
    'key_to' => 'categories_id',
    } The raw sql that fuel produces works perfectly when manually ran using phpmyadmin, but if I use:
    $categories = Model_Category::find('all', array('related' => array('categories_description')));
    I get that error mentioned above. Any ideas on how I go about fixing this? Thanks, Andy
  • Typically this is caused by the description column not being defined either in the model or in the view and its looking for it.

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