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HMVC Module Exceptions
  • I would like to keep my apps modular structure but am curious where the best place to put exceptions would be?
    Currently I have a module called content and it is working perfectly, calling my content_model and such, and I would like to have my exception class inside this module, but where? The only place it seems to work is if it is placed in app/classes/contentexception.php app/classes/contentexception.php <?php
    class ContentException extends Exception { /**
    * Process the application error
    * @return void
    public function handle()
    } Inside modules/content/classes/content.php throw new \ContentException();
  • Exceptions are classes like any other, so they are namespaced as any other.
    namespace Content;
    class ContentException extends \Exception {}

    Within the module you can just throw ContentException (as it is in the same namespace), outside the module namespace you will have to use \Content\ContentException.
  • Thank you so much for the response, I really appreciate it. What you said makes sense, but what I am curious about, is where is the best place to put the exception classes, within the module context. I ended up taking them on to the end of the file /modules/content/classes/controller/content.php, but I would love if I could put them in their own file. Let me know if this makes sense. Thank you again for your input.
  • You should store every class in a separate file, so that the autoloader can load it when it's requested. All classes go in the classes folder, same for app, modules or packages. So ContentException goes into modules/content/classes/contentexception.php.
  • Thank you very much, I had tried that before, but not with the correct namespace, it worked this time.

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