I'm having trouble with animated gifs and the Image library. I'm using the imagemagick driver (since gd doesn't support animated gif's afaik) but the output() method only seems to read out the first frame.
public function action_get(){
$id = self::alphaID($this->param('id'),true);
$image = Model_Image::find($id);
$path = APPPATH.'files/'.$image->short_name;
$config = array();
$img = Image::load($path);
die(); //die since headers already out
Is there something easy I'm missing? Can anyone confirm animated gif support in the Image->output() method?
Relevant info: FuelPHP 1.2
I've tracked the issue down to the following:
Line 34 imagemagick.php
Originally, the extension was hardcoded on the image_temp:
$this->image_temp = $this->config.substr($this->config.md5(time() * microtime()), 0, 32).'.png';
The extension var is available here, so this will work:
$this->image_temp = $this->config.substr($this->config.md5(time() * microtime()), 0, 32).'.'.$this->image_extension;
Then, the convert method is called, but the first frame is specifically referenced:
$this->exec('convert', '"'.$image_fullpath.'"[0] "'.$this->image_temp.'"');
You can get around this easily with:
$this->exec('convert', '"'.$image_fullpath.'" "'.$this->image_temp.'"');
However, resizing gif's isn't pretty, and rarely goes well, and making thumbs is a very common request. So, I ask the community, how would this best be patched:
1) Edit Image class to support animated gif readout (for example $image->output_animated() or $image->load_animated() which would fetch the original gif
2) Disregard all of this and just use File class to output animated gifs in apps
3) Try and integrate full support for resizing and other manipulations on animated gifs (can be resource intensive)
4) Open for suggestions