'modules' => array('pinups'), 'module_paths' => array( APPPATH.'modules'.DS )
class Controller_Home extends Controller { public function action_index() { echo __NAMESPACE__.'<br>'; $view = View::forge('home'); $view->myvar = 'test'; $loaded = Module::loaded(); print_r($loaded); echo Pinups\Home::index(); return $view; } }
[pinups] => /srv/www/themoviepostersite.com/dev/fuel/app/modules/pinups/ Fatal error: Class 'Pinups\Home' not found in /srv/www/themoviepostersite.com/dev/fuel/app/classes/controller/home.php on line 17
namespace Pinups class Controller_Home { public function action_index() { echo 'hello pinup'; } }
namespace Pinups Class Controller_Pinups extends \Controller { public function action_index() { $str = 'hello pinup'; echo $str; return $str; } }
ErrorException [ Error ]: Class 'Pinups\Home' not found APPPATH/classes/controller/home.php @ line 17
echo Pinups\Home::index();is generating the error. Any ideas of what I am doing wrong?
I have just updated a Module Pinup on two servers along with the source code: http://fuel.johns-jokes.com/John_Pinups http://test-002.anetizer.com/John_Pinups @Harro Verton I did notice that the Uri:class is showing incorrectly on Johns-Jokes.com Both applications use the same Fuel source but the App source is duplicated.Harro Verton wrote on Wednesday 4th of July 2012:The same applies to 'Pinups\Home', which should be '\Pinups\Home'. If you want to route to a module, by default the URI is "/module/controller/method/any_params".
Harro Verton wrote on Wednesday 4th of July 2012:You have a base configured? If not it will use the info from $_SERVER, I can't imagine code that would come up with a different hostname by itself...
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