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FuelPHP runing in WAMP with php 5.4.16
  • Dear friends

    I need your help, I have an application running in php 5.3 (wamp 2.2e) without problems. But I'm try migrate to php 5.4.16 (wamp 2.4) I have an error when app start

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method
    Fuel\Core\Autoloader::add_namespace() in
    D:\projects\myapp\fuel\core\bootstrap.php on line 103

    What's happening? I dont do any configuration???

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    The interesting thing here is that it says "undefined method". So it can load the class, otherwise the error would be different.

    Now, add_namespace() is a method that has been there since day 1, so could it be possible that you have something else loaded that has a class called "Autoloader"?
  • Thank you for your response.
    I am using FuelPHP 1.7 on Apache 2.4 and PHP 5.4.16.
    My project has standard modules active (orm, auth, parser) defined in always_load / pacakages.
    I have others projects and same error on all. I believe a mistake in config from Apache, in older Apache (2.2) I dont have problems, but in new Apache has many others new modules, and I am do setup with same modules from older in the new, but without success.

  • Harro,

    Finally I found the problem. I'm trying use the APC for windows. My problem start about config the PHP to use the APC, removing the APC from my environment, FUELPHP run perfectly with Apache 2.4 and PHP 5.4.16.
    Thanks for your attention and excuse me...

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