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Mustache parser extension not recognized
  • Hello
    Just to report a new problem with the Mustache parser in fuelphp 1.9-dev, PHP7
    (in fuelphp 1.7, PHP5 it was working fine).

    I want to use the ".html" extension, my view file is "views/auth/myview.html".

    When I do:
    View::forge('auth/myview.mustache', $data, false)

    => I am getting the error:
    Fuel\Core\FuelException [ Error ]:
    The requested view could not be found: auth/myview.mustache.php
    COREPATH/classes/view.php @ line 492

    My fuel/app/config/config.php is as followed:
    'always_load' => array(
        'packages' => array(

    In my composer.json:
    "require": {
     "mustache/mustache": "*",

    In my fuel/app/config/parser.php, I indicate the html extension:
    'extensions' => array(
     'mustache'  => array('class' => 'View_Mustache', 'extension' => 'html'),

    Is it a bug or did I forgot something?
  • I'll have a look first thing tomorrow.
  • There is something seriously wrong in the parser. I'm still busy with it.
  • Should be fixed again. Thanks for reporting it, and sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Aie Aie Aie it's getting worst.
    I just did a "php composer.phar update",
    and now the full application is not working anymore :-/

    I got this Error:
    Error - The requested view could not be found: welcome/index. in COREPATH/classes/view.php on line 492
  • It seems coming from the followed line in fuel/packages/parser/classes/view.php:
    "isset($extension) and $view->extension = $extension;"
    If I replace it like it was before, it works: "$extension and $view->extension = $extension;"
  • Wot?

    It doesn't seem to add the "php" extension for default views anymore for some reason.

    Not sure why I didn't get that error.
  • There are days like this ;-P
    Its working great now :-) :-)
    Thank you very much for your help!!
  • WanWizardWanWizard
    Accepted Answer
    You're welcome. Please keep the bugreports commin' ;-).

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