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ORM + Fieldset form build not wanted field
  • Hi! In my ORM model I have this part of the properties: 'id' => array(
    'form' => array(
    'type' => false,
    'user_id' => array(
    'form' => array(
    'type' => false,
    ), When I add the model and build the form the input field for these fields cannot be seen, but the label for the fields are there. Is it a bug, or I have to hardcode the core to make them vanished?
  • Sounds like a bug in the Fieldset class. Are you on latest develop or RC1? I remember something along these lines being fixed in develop.
  • I am on the RC1. How can I download the develop version? Is it the develop version on github?
  • Yes, latest is always on Github in the develop branch. If you're using RC1 I would recommend updating both the ORM & the Core, though RC2 should be released shortly.
  • Yes, it solved the problem. Thank you very much. :D
  • Just dropping a note on this. The docs, under ORM /creating Models, the section protected static $_properties has an error. It says to set the type like: 'form' => array('data_type' => 'text'), it should be: 'form' => array('type' => 'text'),

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