I am a new in fuel php coding . i developped an application with fuel php in my own computer and it works correctly but i try to put it in production , unfortunatly , it is not possible to create virtual host in the server, because of network confguration . I try to use iis , i have some error with the web config file . does some one can help me about configuration of fuel php in iis???
The web.config that is included in Fuel's public folder is tested and known to work, but hasn't been tested recently, as nobody seems to use IIS (thank god ;-)).
I haven't used Windows in over 10 years and never used IIS, so I'm not of much help.
The description of the error is: This problem occurs because the ApplicationHost.config file or the Web.config file contains a malformed XML element.
So I would start by double checking your configuration, and move the web.config file out of the public folder. Also, add a simple test.html file to the public folder. If that html file loads, your basic config is ok Then check the index.php by loading it explicitly, it should work without any rewriting and load your apps home page.
Once you've got that working, you can start debugging the web.config, it is very well possible it is no longer compatible with the latest IIS versions.
Doesn't IIS keep a log somewhere (event viewer?) with more details about the error?
When i execute a simple project with a simple php file , All is okey , i can display my php file content to the browser . but in the same time IIS generate is own web.config file
So what happens with your fuel project if you remove the web.config file from the public folder, and load index.php in your browser? That should work fine without rewrite rules.
If that works, you need to find someone with IIS 7 experience to check that web.config, we don't have it, this version was contributed to us by a user, and as said, it might be out of date.
I try to give permission to my user but I have the same error message , is it possible to remove logs folder and log file from my application for seeing what will appen ??