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Route and lang
  • Hello,

    My site is multilingual in english and french.

    I want to have a url "/events" and "/evenements" to display all events and "/event/slug1" "/evenement/slug1" to display one event.

    And my langswitcher must switch to the correct url in the other lang.

    How can i have route multilang with the same name but not the same slug ?

    ex : this routes doesn't wok because of the duplicate names : 

    'events'             => ['event/index', 'name' => 'event_index'],
    'evenements'          => ['event/index', 'name' => 'event_index'],

    'event/(:slug)'      => ['event/view/$2', 'name' => 'event_view'],
    'evenements/(:slug)'  => ['event/view/$2', 'name' => 'event_view'],

    Thank you
  • Ok, so you've implemented multiple languages by hardcoding the URI segments in the routes.
    That indeed doesn't work that way, as the route name must be unique.

    Since routes are parsed using a regex, perhaps this works?

    '(?:events|eventements)'       => ['event/index', 'name' => 'event_index'],
    '(?:events|eventements)/:slug' => ['event/view/$1', 'name' => 'event_view'],

    Since you are using named variables here (slug), which is already a match group, you shouldn't use brackets, and no need for using $2 for the first match instead of $1.

  • If you are on 1.9/develop, you can now define recursive routes to implement this:

  • Hello,

    Thank you.

    but, it doesn't seem to work.

    And how use this : \Router::get('event_index') ? I means, how the system choose between events and eventements ?
  • You can't create mutliple routes with the same name, so that problem doesn't exist.

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